Black Bear Sighting Village Park: 🚨While some may consider this exciting, this is a very important public safety notice.🚨This morning, 8/28/24, there was a sighting of a black bear in the Village of North Freedom Park - S Linn St.The Conservation Warden of our area has been notified and if there are consistent problems that arise from the bear, the wildlife management team and/or conservation wardens will be then notified to help trap and relocate the bear elsewhere.  As this is the first official reported sighting, that process has not been started yet.  The bear could have been passing through looking for a place to live.The Village of North Freedom would like to make it known to the public to NOT ENGAGE WITH THE BEAR.  Do not approach it, feed it, interact with it, etc.  Please be aware of your surroundings, children, and family pets.  The Village will reduce the garbage in the park and continue monitoring the park for potential problems.The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has a great resource about how to "Be Bear Aware" found here:  


❄ Snow Reminders ❄

With the Winter months bringing the ever joyous snow, here is a reminder of our Public Works Ordinances – Chapter 8.  You can view them anytime on our website at:  

❄DO NOT deposit the removed snow from your driveways or sidewalks into the road or alleys.  This goes against Village Ordinances 8.04(2/3).  There could be a penalty associated with this charged to the homeowner if done (Chapter 25, General Provisions).

❄Snow and Ice must be removed within 24 hours after the cessation of a snowstorm.  If not done the homeowner will be charged $25.00 if not removed within the 24 hours; $50.00 if not removed within 48 hours and $75.00 if not removed within 72 hours. If it has not been removed by that time, the Public Works Director shall remove or cause the snow to be removed from any and all sidewalks and crosswalks that have been neglected by the owner or occupant and a fee as established shall be assessed against the owner or occupant for the cost and expense of removing such snow.

We are all in this together and there are some residents here who even do snow removal as a hobby or side job.  If you cannot remove your snow and do not have anyone available to help you, please call the Village Office and Nicki would be happy to give you names and numbers of snow removers. 

A very BIG thank you to our Director of Public Works, John Anstett, who works very hard to keep our streets clean!