Prevent Frozen Water Pipes: With the cold weather this week, here are some tips to help prevent frozen water pipes!If you do run a thin-continuous stream of water, please notify the Village Office at 608-522-4550.Stay warm!


Friendly Reminder to Make Sure to Register Your Dogs!

Meatloaf and Spud, your neighbor Village of North Freedom dogs, would like to remind their furry friends owners that the 4th of July is coming up and some of their furry friends don’t like the loud noises and it may cause some of them to even run off.  Make sure your dogs are registered with the Village!  Chapter 9 of the Village ordinances goes in depth on how dog conduct should be followed in the Village and Chapter 12, section 12.08 of the Village ordinances explains that dogs over the age of 5 months must be registered.  Check out the links below for more information!