Prevent Frozen Water Pipes: With the cold weather this week, here are some tips to help prevent frozen water pipes!If you do run a thin-continuous stream of water, please notify the Village Office at 608-522-4550.Stay warm!


Vacancy on Planning and Zoning Commission and Starting of Community Events Team

Are you wanting to become more involved with your community?  Are you interested in helping plan or come up with ideas for Community Events?  Well is there something for you!

The Village of North Freedom is looking for 1 (one) interested person to sit on the Village of North Freedom Planning and Zoning Commission as a member and it is looking for a team of 4-5 (four to five) residents that would bring ideas and planning of Community Events to the Village of North Freedom Board!

Reach out to the Village Office at 608-522-4550 or if you are interested!