Prevent Frozen Water Pipes: With the cold weather this week, here are some tips to help prevent frozen water pipes!If you do run a thin-continuous stream of water, please notify the Village Office at 608-522-4550.Stay warm!


Registration of Dogs Reminder

Dog owners, you have 2 to 3 more weeks to register your furry friends before the April 1st late fee!  Below is some information that had been previously posted.  If you have any questions, reach out to the Village Office at 608-522-4550 or!

Dog Licenses – *Send a separate check for dog licenses!*

Dogs 5 months of age or older need to be registered by April 1 of each year. Information needed for dog tags: Dog Name, Color, Breed, Sex, Vaccine/Vaccine Manufacturer Serial #, Vet Proof of Rabies Vaccination, Date Given & Expiration Date.

Unneutered Male/Unspayed Female: $12.00

Neutered Male/Spayed Female: $7.00

Duplicate License: $6.00

Late Fee: $10.00