Prevent Frozen Water Pipes: With the cold weather this week, here are some tips to help prevent frozen water pipes!If you do run a thin-continuous stream of water, please notify the Village Office at 608-522-4550.Stay warm!
Prevent Frozen Water Pipes: With the cold weather this week, here are some tips to help prevent frozen water pipes!If you do run a thin-continuous stream of water, please notify the Village Office at 608-522-4550.Stay warm!


Siren Electrical Issues

There have been some electrical issues with the siren – specifically with the noon weekday whistle.  The Village is working with Sauk County on getting it repaired.

In the meantime, there may be times where the siren may wail longer than expected or at a little after the Noon hour during the weekdays.

We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause and thank you for your patience.