NFFD Annual Smelt & Chicken Feed: The Annual All-You-Can-Eat Smelt & Chicken Feed will be Saturday, February 22, 2025Serving Starts at 4:00 PM in the Fire Station (103 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI  53951)With Carryout in the Community Center (105 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI  53951) Tickets in advance:  $15.00Tickets at the door:  $18.00Children 12 & under:  $7.00 You can get tickets at:Village of North Freedom Village OfficeBS DepotNorth Freedom RepairStyles & Stitches (formally Golden Needle)Any of the NFFD Volunteer Firefighters We appreciate your support!


Notice – Sealed Bids – Appraisal of Properties

The Village of North Freedom is now accepting sealed bids for appraisal services to be performed on two (2) properties in said Village for the acquisition process of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program awarded from Wisconsin Emergency Management. The given bids must be sealed and to the Clerk’s Office by 3:30 PM on January 11, 2021. Bids may be dropped off at the Village Office – 105 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI – or may be mailed to PO Box 300, North Freedom, WI. If mailing, please include on the label of the envelope “Bid for Appraisal Services”. Please include in the bid your name/business name, address, and telephone number. The received Bids will be opened that night at the regular Board Meeting of the Village of North Freedom. The appraisal of the properties must determine the Pre-Event or Current Fair Market Value. Appraisals are then submitted to Wisconsin Emergency Management’s Review Appraiser to approve or deny. If denied, the hired appraiser will be required to revise the appraisal until it is considered valid.

The Village of North Freedom reserves the right to waive any informalities and to reject any or all Bids.  The letting of the work described herein is subject to the provisions of Sections 61.54, 66.0901 and 66.0903, Wisconsin Statutes.


Village of North Freedom

PO Box 300

North Freedom, WI 53951