NFFD Annual Smelt & Chicken Feed: The Annual All-You-Can-Eat Smelt & Chicken Feed will be Saturday, February 22, 2025Serving Starts at 4:00 PM in the Fire Station (103 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI  53951)With Carryout in the Community Center (105 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI  53951) Tickets in advance:  $15.00Tickets at the door:  $18.00Children 12 & under:  $7.00 You can get tickets at:Village of North Freedom Village OfficeBS DepotNorth Freedom RepairStyles & Stitches (formally Golden Needle)Any of the NFFD Volunteer Firefighters We appreciate your support!


2021 Spring Election

The Spring Election will be held on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Local elections are just as important to participate in!

🔴 The polling place – North Freedom Community Center, 105 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI – will be open from 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. and it is handicap accessible. A photo I.D. is required to vote. Find more information at

⚪️ **Voters who were sent absentee ballots** Please Note: Your ballots must be AT the polling place BY 8:00 P.M. on 4/6/21 for your ballot to be counted! Ballots received after the polls close will NOT be counted. The Village of North Freedom has a secure drop box located underneath the Village Office Hours sign. *DO NOT PLACE ITEMS FOR THE VILLAGE, ESPECIALLY BALLOTS, IN THE LIBRARY’S BOOK DROP!*

🔵 Any questions, please contact Clerk/Treasurer Nicki Breunig at 608-522-4550 or at

Thank you!