NFFD Annual Smelt & Chicken Feed: The Annual All-You-Can-Eat Smelt & Chicken Feed will be Saturday, February 22, 2025Serving Starts at 4:00 PM in the Fire Station (103 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI  53951)With Carryout in the Community Center (105 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI  53951) Tickets in advance:  $15.00Tickets at the door:  $18.00Children 12 & under:  $7.00 You can get tickets at:Village of North Freedom Village OfficeBS DepotNorth Freedom RepairStyles & Stitches (formally Golden Needle)Any of the NFFD Volunteer Firefighters We appreciate your support!


Re-Opening of Community Center for Rental Use

The Village of North Freedom Board so moved on Monday, May 11, 2021 that the Community Center will be re-opened for rental use for residents and non-residents effective JUNE 1, 2021.  Reservations to utilize the Community Center will also begin to be taken on JUNE 1, 2021.

Please note:  Anyone using the Community Center will have to sign a rental agreement before the keys will be given to them.  This may be obtained from the Village Office during the normal posted hours.

Effective June 1, 2021 – the rental fees for using the Community Center will be as follows:

$75.00/day for residents of the Village of North Freedom

$125.00/day for any non-residents