NFFD Annual Smelt & Chicken Feed: The Annual All-You-Can-Eat Smelt & Chicken Feed will be Saturday, February 22, 2025Serving Starts at 4:00 PM in the Fire Station (103 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI  53951)With Carryout in the Community Center (105 N Maple St, North Freedom, WI  53951) Tickets in advance:  $15.00Tickets at the door:  $18.00Children 12 & under:  $7.00 You can get tickets at:Village of North Freedom Village OfficeBS DepotNorth Freedom RepairStyles & Stitches (formally Golden Needle)Any of the NFFD Volunteer Firefighters We appreciate your support!


System Error – EBills

There was a system error when running the January utility bills that caused anyone who receives only Electronic Bills to receive them twice.
The amounts, bill dates, etc. are all the same.  It just sent twice.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and confusion!